Child Tax Credit- Is it Free Money?
The Child Tax Credit (CTC) is a decades-old support for families instituted to help them afford the everyday expenses of raising…
Can I protect my deferred comp during my NJ divorce?
When it comes to the division of property in a divorce, New Jersey is an “equitable distribution” state. Generally speaking, this means…
Autism Spectrum Disorder in Divorce
According to statistics provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 34 children in New Jersey have Autism Spectrum…
Divorcing a Narcissist- Tips and tricks
We’ve probably all said it at least once. “He is crazy!” “She is a lunatic!” Mental health issues can cause an otherwise amicable…
Marijuana cannot affect my parenting time anymore…..can it?
Recreational use of cannabis was illegal in the State of New Jersey until February 22, 2021 with the signing of the New Jersey Cannabis…
Cohabitation or Dating….how do I know if alimony will change?
Whether you want a divorce or not, your former spouse beginning a relationship with someone new can be difficult to stomach for a variety…
Covid affected my job and I can’t keep paying support. What can I do?
A very common complaint and question we are hearing right now is related to the ability to continue to pay child support because of…
Should I go to mediation?
In these uncertain times, specifically where many families are feeling the financial impact of COVID, more and more we are being asked…
For many families in New Jersey, one of the largest financial concerns that a couple faces is their home. During the marriage, many…
How can I dismiss the final restraining order (FRO) against me in New Jersey?
In New Jersey, Final Restraining Orders remain in place until they are dismissed or vacated. However, the New Jersey Legislature did not…