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Edison Divorce Mediators

Your idea of divorce may entail protracted courtroom battles, mounting costs, and overwhelming stress for you and your family. If so, you should be relieved to learn that litigation is by no means the only avenue to resolution. Litigation, meaning a trial in court before a judge, is certainly the traditional solution, and if applicable to your situation, it may serve as the most viable route to pursue. However, in recent years, divorcing couples have turned to a variety of options that fall within the category of “alternative dispute resolution,” which may provide a more cost-effective, time-efficient, and ultimately less contentious path through divorce. One of the most common forms of alternative dispute resolution is mediation. Contact our skilled Edison divorce mediators today to learn more about this potential path.

Divorce Mediation in New Jersey

As mentioned previously, mediation represents an “alternative dispute resolution” process, which is simply an alternative method for resolving disputes outside of the courtroom. Unlike arbitration, mediation is not a legally binding process, meaning that you are not required by law to abide by the recommendations of the mediator, but can utilize their services to reach amicable agreements about issues ranging from child custody and child support to alimony and division of assets.

The ability to avoid lengthy court proceedings, as well as the time, costs, and often negative interactions associated with litigation, can make mediation an attractive option for many couples, particularly those who are concerned with maintaining a positive post-divorce relationship for the sake of their children.

When you choose to undergo the mediation process, you and your spouse select an objective, independent mediator who serves both parties, listening and addressing the concerns of both sides to develop creative solutions that minimize stress and provide long-term favorable arrangements that suit the needs of everyone involved. When meeting with a mediator, you and your spouse can decide whether or not to have your own lawyers present.

The mediator will allow each party to voice his or her position concerning a broad range of issues, ultimately providing a recommendation that is intended to benefit both parties. This recommendation is not concrete, nor legally binding, but may provide a reasonable, fair solution that allows you and your spouse to reach a consensus without a trial in court.

The mediation process is informal, confidential, and often beneficial for couples who are seeking to establish a dynamic of cooperation through the divorce transition. At Arndt, Sutak & Miceli, LLC, our highly experienced divorce attorneys can serve as mediators or independent counsel retained to provide support and guidance to you personally as you and your spouse pursue mediation through a third-party mediator.

Should You Pursue a Divorce through Mediation?

Before considering mediation, there are some significant questions you have to ask yourself, keeping in mind that your specific circumstances, goals, and priorities will have a dramatic impact on the favorability of mediation as a divorce resolution alternative. Among the most important questions to address are:

  • What is the current level of discord between you and your spouse? If the two of you are on reasonable terms and open to cooperating throughout the divorce process, mediation can provide an ideal means to reach an agreement.
  • How important is time efficiency for your divorce? Courtroom litigation can be slow to begin and slow to proceed, with backlogs of cases on the court’s docket that delay your ability to even begin divorce proceedings. Mediation represents a significantly more expedient alternative.
  • Is cost-effectiveness essential to you during this time? If you and your spouse are concerned with cost savings, mediation can provide an attractive solution, as you share the cost of a mediator and avoid paying each of your attorneys through the often lengthy court process.
  • How flexible is your schedule for attending divorce proceedings? If your work or other commitments limit your flexibility, mediation will allow you to schedule these events at your convenience, instead of complying with court-ordered dates for appearance.
  • Is confidentiality a significant consideration for you? If there are components of your divorce that you need to keep private for the sake of your reputation, career, or to protect your children, mediation represents an entirely private setting through which you may resolve divorce-related issues. If your case is tried in court, the evidence presented becomes part of the public record.
  • Are there sensitive issues that you believe may be more effectively resolved through an objective third party? If so, a mediator can listen attentively to each of your concerns and craft a tailored solution that is agreeable to both parties. For instance, with issues such as child custody, where resentment may threaten to cause future problems, a mediator can serve as an invaluable asset, fostering cooperation and collaboration in parenting arrangements.

Contact our Middlesex County, NJ Divorce Mediators

Here at Arndt, Sutak & Miceli, LLC, our goal is to provide the most positive experience for you and your family. By serving as mediators or your legal counsel through the mediation process, we hope to encourage favorable outcomes that allow you and your family to move forward in the most amenable terms. For additional information, simply contact our New Jersey divorce mediators today.

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