Do you only get one chance to request payment of your child’s college costs?
Like most attorneys, no matter how many times I get this question (and frankly most other questions in family law), the answer is, it…
I want a Cheap Divorce. What is this going to cost me?
I have been blessed to be assisting members of our community for nearly a decade and half and am asked one question in nearly every…
NJ Courts take steps to eliminate the excuse of inadvertent Restraining Order Violations
As I explained in a previous blog, on some occasions, a victim of domestic violence may opt for (or the responding police may insist…
6 Ways to Prepare for a Divorce
The common theme heard when someone is asked about the divorce process is that they found it to be hard, complicated and expensive. While…
Domestic Violence 101- Where do I begin?
During law school I was lucky enough to be chosen to participate in a domestic violence service that provided free representation to…
The Pot thickens: How medical marijuana impacts child custody and parenting time
A recent decision from the NJ Court of Appeals has determined that an employer can be responsible for reimbursing employees for their…
Brace yourself…Child support may not cover the costs of dental expenses
One of the most important concerns that a parent may have is how they ensure that their children receive proper medical care. Everyone…