A victim of domestic violence has the right to seek a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO), along with a criminal complaint. A TRO is an order that is issued by a judge to protect the victim from the defendant. A judge is required to tailor the protections provided to a victim based upon the facts of the case, but the judge has the power to grant any of the following:
- Barring the Defendant from returning to the scene of the Domestic Violence.
- Barring the Defendant from returning to other locations (home, relative’s home, place of employment, children’s school, etc.).
- Barring the Defendant from committing any future acts of Domestic Violence.
- Barring the Defendant from possessing a firearm or weapons.
- Barring the Defendant from having any communication or contact with the victim or the victim’s relatives in person, via the telephone, or in writing. This includes making or causing anyone else to do so, on the Defendant’s behalf.
- Requiring the Defendant to pay temporary support and/or child support to victim (includes paying some bills and/or rental expenses).
- Requiring the Defendant to reimburse the victim for any medical expenses incurred due to injury caused by defendant.
- Granting the victim exclusive possession of the residence.
- Granting the victim temporary custody of the children.
- Suspending the Defendant’s parenting time or amending parenting time (including requiring exchanges at the police station).
How to obtain a TRO depends on the time and date the victim is seeking assistance. On Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. through 3:30 p.m. a victim can contact the Family Part of the Superior Court of the County where they reside. Any other time, a TRO can be obtained through the victim’s state or local police department who will obtain one through the Municipal Court.
If you are not sure if you qualify for a TRO, or you are not sure you want to proceed, there are agencies that can offer a plethora of services to assist you and your family. In fact, every county in NJ has at least one domestic violence program that provides a range of services to families dealing with domestic violence.
You can call the statewide domestic violence hotline if you have experienced domestic violence and want to speak to someone about it. It is a 24-hour hotline- 1-800-572-SAFE (7233). Otherwise, please find your county below for additional resources and information:
AVANZAR: 24 Hr. Hotline: 1-800-286-4184, Web: avanzarnow.org/
Center for Hope and Safety: 24 Hr. Hotline: 201-944-9600, Web: www.hopeandsafetynj.org
Bergen County Alternatives to Domestic Violence: 24 Hr. Hotline: (201) 336-7575, Web: www.co.bergen.nj.us/divisions-of-alternatives-to-domestic-violence/alternatives-to-domestic-violence
Providence House Domestic Violence Services of Catholic Charities: 24 Hr. Hotline: (609) 871-7551, Web: www.catholiccharitiestrenton.org/locations/burlington-county/
Volunteers of America Delaware Valley: Phone: 856-854-4660, Web: www.voadv.org
Camden County Women’s Center: 24 Hr. Hotline: (856) 227-1234, Web: www.njaconline.org/13.html https://sites.google.com/a/njaconline.org/camden-county-women-s-center
Volunteers of America Delaware Valley: Phone: 856-854-4660, Web: www.voadv.org
CARA, Inc. (Coalition Against Rape & Abuse, Inc.): 24 Hr. Hotline: (609) 522-6489, Toll free: 1-877-294-2272 (CARA) Web: www.cara-cmc.org
Services Empowering the Rights of Victims Cumberland County Domestic Violence Services: 24 Hr. Hotline: 1-800-225-0196, Access line: 1-877-922-2377 (1-877-9-ACCESS), Web: www.centerffs.org
Access Family Services: 24 Hr. Hotline: 862-444-3126, Web: https://essexcountynj.org/ceas_directory/access-family-services/
Essex County Family Justice Center: Phone: 973-230-7229, Web: www.essexcountyfjc.org
The Safe House Emergency Shelter: 24 Hr. Hotline: (973) 759-2154, Web: www.rwjbh.org/clara-maass-medical-center/treatment-care/domestic-violence/ and www.essexcountynj.org/ceas_directory/safe-house/
The Rachel Coalition of Jewish Family Service, Division of Jewish Family Service of MetroWest New Jersey: 24 Hr. Hotline: 973-740-123, Web: www.rachelcoalition.org
Services Empowering Rights of Victims (SERV): 24 Hr. Hotline: 1-866-295-SERV (7378), Access Line: 1-877-922-2377 (1-877-9-ACCESS) Web: www.centerffs.org
Womenrising, Inc.: 24 Hr. Hotline: (201) 333-5700, Web: www.womenrising.org
SAFE In Hunterdon: 24 Hrs. Hotline: 908-788-4044, Office Number: 908-806-0019, Website: www.safeinhunterdon.org
Womanspace, Inc.: 24 Hr. Hotline: (609) 394-9000, Deaf & Hard of Hearing Text Line: (609) 619-1888, Web: www.womanspace.org
Women Aware, Inc.: 24 Hr. Hotline: (732) 249-4504, Deaf & Hard of Hearing Text Line: 1-876-658-7713, Web: https://womenaware.net/
Manavi Inc. (A non-profit organization for women who trace their cultural heritage to Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka): 24 Hr. Hotline: 1-732-435-1414, Web: www.manavi.org
180 Turning Lives Around: 24 Hr. Hotline: 1-888-843-9262, Office: 732-264-4111, Deaf & Hard of Hearing Text Line: 732-977-2766 Web: www.180nj.org
JBWS – Safety, Support & Solutions for Abuse: 24 Hr. Hotline: 1-877-782-2873 or 1-877-R-U-ABUSED, Deaf & Hard of Hearing Text Line: 973-314-4192, Web: www.jbws.org
Morris Family Justice Center (MFJC): Phone: (973) 829-4050, Assistance outside of office hours: Domestic Abuse: 1-877-R-U-ABUSED, Web: www.morrisfjc.org
Jersey Center for Non Violence: Appointments and referrals: (973) 539-7801
Providence House Domestic Violence Services of Catholic Charities – Ocean: 24 Hr. Hotline: (732) 244-8259, Toll free: 1-800-246-8910, Web: www.catholiccharitiestrenton.org/domestic-violence-services/
Passaic County Women’s Center: 24 Hr. Hotline: (973) 881-1450, Web: www.passaiccountywomenscenter.org
Project S.A.R.A.H.: 24 Hr. Hotline: 1-888-883-2323, Phone: (973) 777-7638, Web: www.jfsclifton.org/projectsarah/
WAFA House: Toll free: 1-800-930-9232, Web: www.wafahouse.org/
Salem County Women’s Services: 24 Hr. Hotline: (856) 935-6655, Toll free: 1-888-632-9511, Web: www.salemcountywomensservices.org
Safe+Sound Somerset: 24 Hr. Call or Text Hotline: (866) 685-1122, Web: www.safe-sound.org
DASI: Domestic Abuse & Sexual Assault Intervention Services: 24 Hr. Hotline: (973) 875-1211, Deaf & Hard of Hearing Text Line: (973) 222-2593 Web: www.dasi.org
Project: PROTECT: 24 Hr. Hotline: (908) 355-4357 (HELP), Web: www.ywcaunioncounty.org
Domestic Abuse & Sexual Assault Crisis Center (DASACC): 24 Hr. Hotline: 908-453-4181, Toll free: 1-888-998-4033, Web: www.dasacc.org
Many services are free, confidential and provided regardless of gender identity, age, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, ability level or immigration status. If you need assistance obtaining a restraining order and stopping violence against you or your family members, do not hesitate to contact us at 732-867-8894 or at assistant@asmfamilylaw.com to schedule a consultation.
**The above information is intended to be used as a resource and for informational purposes. The offices of ASM cannot confirm whether the information contained on this page is the most up to date contact information for the resources and centers. This page is provided for informational purposes only.**