Arndt, Sutak & Miceli, LLC

family lawyer

What are the “best interests” factors and why do they matter?

May 24, 2024 When are the “best interests” factors used? In family law matters, a phrase you’ll often hear is the “best interests of the child.” This is because the primary consideration in matters involving child custody and parenting time is whether a requested arrangement is in the child’s best interests. Oftentimes, this phrase is …

What are the “best interests” factors and why do they matter? Read More »

What to know about New Jersey Family Court Motion Practice

Motion practice in family court is often an important part of the litigation process. Motions are filed when one or both parties are seeking some sort of relief from the court on a specific issue or set of issues. Those might include modifications for a final judgment of divorce, cohabitation, termination of alimony based on …

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How are Alimony Issues Decided in NJ Family Court?

One of the most common issues decided in divorce litigation is alimony, otherwise known as spousal support. The purpose of alimony is to provide a financially dependent spouse with enough funds necessary to maintain the “marital lifestyle,” or the standard of living a married couple enjoyed throughout their relationship before obtaining a divorce.  Alimony Factors …

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Why you should hire the attorneys at Arndt, Sutak & Miceli…

Finding an attorney that understands your rights is essential in any legal situation, especially if you are divorcing your spouse. The divorce attorneys at Arndt, Sutak & Miceli, LLC have the ability to draw on years of experience and expertise to provide our clients with proactive advice and advocacy tailored to their specific needs.  Our …

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Who do you call first? Your lawyer or the police?

In our experience as divorce and family law attorneys, most emergencies truly involving concern for you or your family’s physical well-being will require police intervention and not your attorney. If there is a genuine emergency, such as an incident of domestic violence in progress, or a dispute between parents during a parenting time exchange affecting …

Who do you call first? Your lawyer or the police? Read More »

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